Dampness, Liveliness, Tracking. BlueB

I had some Avengers (there are few models I believe) in hands while ago.
From what I remember the camber to shovel transition was very early and gentle, you could call it decamber, in line with Priors and some Coilers.
They looked like they would rip.
I actually think that I prefer the small decamber (Prior, Coiler) over hal nose approach (Kessler, SG) for freecarving.
Also, radial and VSR feel better then NSR, again for freecarving, while NSR feels faster.
I agree with few posters who suggested that damping has to do more with rubber then metal, but we should really define what "damp" actually meant, as it seems to have different meanings for different people (we tried few times before, over the years).
To me the legendary damp/lively, often perceived as one, should be split in few categories:

Dampness – ability of the board (or system) to absorb "bad" vibrations.

Liveliness – willingness of the board to rebound/return energy AND to be "manhandled".

Tracking – ability to stay on desired direction through less then perfect conditions

To me, it seems that those characteristics are affected by vaious parametres (in random order):
Dampness – dissimilarity of natural resonance of the materials used; mass; system (damping by friction, shear, decupling, etc)

Liveliness – mass; geometry (sidecut/profile); flex pattern.

Tracking – geometry; flex pattern; edge hold (another can of worms); and mass to a lesser extent (or is it?)



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