Apex Team – Plates Henry Kim.

1 Name , Family name , date of birth , profession , usual spot and/or preferred spot.
Henry Kim.
Date of birth withheld.
Owner, Apex Sport.
Usually ride at Mount St. Louis.
Prefer to ride at Whistler.

2 Material used: boards , bindings , boots, helmet , goggles , clothing.
Coiler RaceCarve 178, Kessler 180 GS
F2 Race Titanium
Louis Garneau
FA Design or Arc’teryx

3 Since when you are on hard snowboarding.

4 What do you think about new tecnologies: decamber, rocker, taper, multi radius, materials such as carbon fiber and titanal , plates.
For casual riding, I prefer to ride a Coiler RaceCarve with Titanal consruction, traditional camber and 12m radius. For racing, I like the 180GS Kessler with Kessler Shape Technology (multi-radius) and an Apex Race Plate.
The Apex Race Plate smooths out the ride and is very useful on rutted race courses.

6 What could help the raise back of the hard snowboarding.
We should try to raise the profile of World Cup races by making the events more fun and friendly.
Too many race courses are away from the base village and not friendly to casual spectators.
We also need to support and encourage young people to enter our sport. I give away my old boards to junior racers.

7 Training techniques.
Nothing special. I ride a bike and race dragon boats in the summer to stay in shape.

8 Whath to say at whom is starting.
There is nothing more exciting than carving clean lines on an alpine snowboard.
The feeling is better than sex and worth the effort in learning the sport.

9 Whath to say at whom has already.
Don’t get too caught up in having the latest and best equipment. Technique is far more important.
Hire a good coach and ride with people who are better riders than you. Learn from them.

10 Tell us something that we didn’t thought.
The best thing about this sport is the people.
I have made good friends all over the world because of my involvement with this sport.

Author: admin

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