Apex V Disc
Dal sito della Apex
Un accessorio aftermarket per i possesori di piastre Vist.
Carbon fiber goodness for your Vist plate. We are pleased to offer this drop-in replacement for the aluminum mounting discs on your Vist plate.
Aluminum has a tendency to crack when subject to repeated stresses. Also, when in contact with dissimilar metals (ie. steel screws), corrosion can occur. Carbon fiber, on the other hand, won't corrode, crack or break under normal use.
The V Disc is almost 30% lighter (250 grams vs. 355 grams per disc) and even a few hundred grams helps when making quick slalom transitions.
If you're looking to replace your beat up Vist discs, the Apex V Disc is for you.
Weight: 250 grams
12×2 insert pattern
Designed and made in Canada