CZA Plates. Attila Czirjak.
1 Name , Family name , date of birth , profession , usual spot e/o preferred spot.
My name is Czirjak Attila birth on december 1976 from Romania Cluj-Napoca city .
I have a small bussines ,stainless steel production for food and farmaceutic industry .
Also I am a Taekwondo Instructor and crazyyyy for alpin snowboarding , in summer I have training Mountainbikeing like complementary sports for winter.
2 Material used: boards , bindings , boots, helmet , goggles , clothing.
I ride Kessler,SG,Burton ,F2 boards and deeluxe hardboots and of course MY OWN SLYDING PLATE SISTEMS
3 Since when you are on hard snowboarding.
I am a hardbooter since 1995 but with slow progres because in Romania the hard snowbarding is in low level so we dont have coaches…..
4 Why hard?
I think hard snowboarding is more technical than the soft boarding .
The speed , the carving the pistes the gates is realy fascinating me.
5 What do you think about new tecnologies: decamber, rocker, taper, multi radius, materials such as carbon fiber and titanal , plates.
I think is an explosion in hard snowboarding with all the improvements from the last five years….
I always asking my self where we will go with all this modern technology.
8 Whath to say at whom is starting.
For those who dosen't try yet the plate systems I realy recomand to try one .
Feel the differences
9 Whath to say at whom has already.
For those who dosen't try yet the plate systems I realy recomand to try one .
Feel the differences .