I bought a pair of Full Tilt Konflicts from ebay a while ago and have just got back from the French Alps and thought I would share my thoughts as quite a few bol members have shown interest in Full Tilt's/Dalbello Krypton's.
I have been looking for a boot to board and ski in for ages.
My first effort was Upz with din adaptors, found them to soft for skiing and they gave me the worst shin bang ever.
Next up was a pair of Dalbello carvex with bts(thanks to Blueb's thoughts and posts) and found these great but was worried the bts might explode from my dremmel work and be left bootless in the Alps. So a while ago I managed to get some new Full Tilt's for roughly $80.
I am riding a SG full race pro 163, Cateks 55° 49° with a 19" stance(my inseam is 31"), a little inward canting on both feet and a bit of toe lift front and a little heel lift back.
I did not have time to mold the intuition liners so used my thermoflex liners which made the boots softer.
From the onset they felt very good. Forward flex was nice and progressive.
I was a little worried about the lateral flex as have heard it to be stiff from older posts, but this did not seem to cause me any problems.
In fact I found it a bonus to power round my shorter carves.
As for the skiing they were great to.
I am lucky to have small feet so overhang was never a problem, but for those people with bigger feet this will be a problem unless you are using squall angles.
So in conclusion if anyone is looking for a boot to use for both sports I would recommend them.
Also if anyone has chance to buy a SG do it.
As you would expect edge grip is amazing on ice but what I love is the carving ability on soft/slushy snow. I would expect to get high sided on my old glass boards on this type of snow but on my board I can carve very aggressively with no worries.
I expect its the same on all the new metal boards.
Willow 15