Sfortunatamente mentre intervistavo Sigi Grabner il mio Skype Recorder ha smesso di funzionare.
Sigi è stato così disponibile e cortese da aspettare che io prendessi appunti ma la mia velocità di scrittura mi ha fatto perdere qualche pezzo, mi scuso con Sigi Grabner e con chi leggerà se ci dovesse essere qualche imprecisione che vi prego eventualmente di segnalarmi.
In lavorazione
1 Name , Family name , date of birth , profession , usual spot e/o preferred spot.
Sigfrid Grabner , 4 february 1975 , World Cup Racer, Snowboard bilder , Colrado(USA), La Massana(Andorra), San Candido(Ita), Cortina d'Ampezzo(with my friend Simone Salvati)
2 Material used: boards , bindings , boots, helmet , goggles , clothing.
Snowboards: SG Snowboards
Bindings: Bomber TD3 Sidewinder expecially modified by the builder Fin Doyle(Bomber on Line),because they have the right flex,
F2 Race Titanium
Boots: Northwave .950 for racing, UPZ for training and freecarving
Gogles: Boolle
Clothing :SG Jacket , Goretex from Gore
3 Since when you are on hard snowboarding.
4 What do you think about new tecnologies: decamber, rocker, taper, multi radius, materials such as carbon fiber and titanal , plates.
All my boards has rocker from 2004 in the front and the back, titanal dampenenig and rubber layer now works all perfectly toghther.
Plates from canadianas work also for freecarving, are big advantage but they are better for gates ,they are a very good dampening system.
They are very good but they costs very much because the materials that are used to build them are so expensive.
Very strong carbon is needed and it is very expensive.
6 What could help the raise back of the hard snowboarding.
The problem is more for free carving.
Showing allround more videos and more fotos to let the people know that hard snowboarding is not death.
Softbooting is only sliding, go out on the slopes and let the people see what hardbooting
usite di gruppo molte volte le persone gli chiedono che tipo di snow usa e credono sia nuovo
7 Training techniques.
I do a lot of free carving to find a good setup and good pressure point and afterwords i ride trough the gates.
When you are in the gates you are under pressure so is not so easy to learn.
8 What to say at whom is starting.
I suggest to find a good shop and a carving club or a comunity as your, to find good tecnic and improve a good maestro per imparare
get in touch with some group find tip s and materia e uscite insiem , prima su piste piatte ripide
9 Whath to say at whom has already.
Try to get new material è un problema perchè materiale vecchio non ti permette di progredire e di divertirsi di più
10 Tell us something that we didn't thought.
Dal sito di Sigi Grabner
Sigi Grabner Biography
Siegfried Josef Grabner, AUT
also known as “Sigi”, “Sighetto”
Born in: Carinthia,Austria,
Residence: in La Massana, Andorra since 2000
Age: *1975
Marital Status: love affair
Personal Website www.sigigrabner.com
Postal Address
all mountain sports
Dolomitenstrasse 24
A-9900 Lienz Austria
Your favourite snowboarding spot:
Every slope with powder and steep mountains
What are U famous for?
Always being late.
What comes next in your life?
Perhaps I buy a dog
Go for dinner with?
The Dalai Lama
3 words about Sigi:
Fast with style.
Sigi Grabner